Guler Misin Cry Mısın is a 1975 Turkish film directed by Osman Fahir Seden, starring Zeki Alasya and Metin Akpınar. #turkishmovie #turkishmovie #yesilçam Guler Misin Cry Mısın ? Turkish movie plot; Zeki and Metin learn that the house of their beloved Rasim Usta is going to be demolished by Cemal Bey, who runs a hotel, and a golf facility is going to be built in its place. Metin and Zeki, who are making plans to marry Rasim Usta's daughter Aysel, fight alongside Rasim Usta against Zeki and Metin Cemal Bey. During this struggle, a guest visiting the town will change everything. The actors of the Guler Misin Cry Mısın ? movie; Zeki Alasya, Metin Akpınar, Kadir Savun, Ali Şen, Fatma Belgen, Neriman Köksal, Turgut Boralı, Ali Cağaloğlu, Orhan Aydınbaş, Baki Tamer, Gönül Genç, İhsan Gedik, Osman Fahir Seden.