[Exorcism - Exorcism of evil karma] [Dharani Mantra] [Elimination of evil karma] Exorcism of evil karma by manifesting the power of Kishimo-sama, the supreme deity who protects the Lotus Sutra


Kura Channel

Published on Apr 4, 2023
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In the video description, you can see how to actually chant the divine mantra. If you like it, please subscribe to the channel and click the 👍 button. It's even better if you combine it with the first and second videos. == [Explanation about this video] == At the bottom, you can see the sutra on how to chant the "Dharani Divine Mantra" [About the sutra in this video] The sutra chanted in this video is an excerpt from the sutra entitled "The Dharani Chapter of the Lotus Sutra, Chapter 26" (Myohorengekyo Daranihon Dainijuroku) in the translation of the Lotus Sutra by Tripitaka Kumarajiva. In the Nichiren and Hokke sects, this sutra is also chanted during prayers and purification rituals, and so it is viewed as part of the "prayer sutras" and is called "Mantra," "Dharani Divine Mantra," "Five Divine Mantra," or "Five Good God Mantra." This sutra, the 26th of the Myoho Renge Sutra, contains the following mantra that the Five Good Gods, namely, Bhaisajyaguru Bodhisattva, Yusha Bodhisattva, Bishamonten, Jikokutenno, the Ten Female Rakshasas, Kishimojin, his children and attendants, recited to Shakyamuni (Buddha) after making a vow to protect the Lotus Sutra, as follows: 1. Bodhisattva Bhaisajyaguru chants a mantra to protect ❶those who preach the Lotus Sutra in the Latter Day of the Law. 2. Bodhisattva Yusha chants a mantra to protect ❷those who recite and uphold the Lotus Sutra. 3. King Bishamonten chants a mantra to protect ❸those who are priests of the Lotus Sutra. 4. King Jikokuten chants a mantra to protect ❹those who hold the Lotus Sutra. 5. The Ten Female Rakshasas, Kishimojin, her child and her attendants each appear before Shakyamuni, ❺ The sutra describes how the Buddha protects those who recite and uphold the Lotus Sutra, and if there is anyone who, except for those who are ill, approaches a priest of the Lotus Sutra with ill intent in an attempt to find something bad to disparage them (including those who harass or bully them), or who causes trouble to a preacher, he will smash (shatter) that person's head into seven equal pieces to protect them.This is a divine mantra from Buddhist scriptures that has been read since ancient times during prayers and purification rituals. [It is said that they will protect us from those who bully and harass us] The vows of Kishimojin, Rakshasa women, etc. are as follows in the Chinese translation of the sutra: "We wish to protect those who recite and uphold the Lotus Sutra, and to remove their illnesses. Even if there are those who seek the shortcomings of the priest, we will not let them go unheard." Iwanami Sanskrit translation: "For those who protect the supreme sutra and preach its teachings, we will protect, defend, and shelter them (higo = protecting those in a weak position) so that those who look for weaknesses and seek an opportunity to attack them will not get that opportunity, and we will allow them to live a comfortable life." The meaning of "those who seek shortcomings" in the Chinese translation of the sutra is that those who look for people's shortcomings or weaknesses will not be given the opportunity, and they will be protected. In the Sanskrit translation, shelter also means protecting those in a weak position or those who are unilaterally attacked or harassed. [About mantras in Buddhist scriptures] Mantras in Buddhist scriptures are written in the scriptures translated by Tripitaka Kumarajiva, but Tripitaka Kumarajiva received an Indian education from an early age, known as the Five Wisdoms, which included learning about "mantras," and so they can only be found in the Buddhist scriptures translated by Kumarajiva. (For more information about Tripitaka Kumarajiva, see the live broadcast on the Kura Channel, Vol. 17, • [Triple Kumarajiva and Tripitaka Faxian] Why did the tongue remain burned after cremation? We'll tell you the truth! at 45:29. We hope you will also watch Vol. 16, Vol. 20, and Vol. 21.) Tripitaka Master Xuanzang, who was in the new sutra translation era, also wrote about the "five types of non-translation" in the section on mantras, and because they represent the mysteries of Buddha and gods, he did not translate the meaning, but only transcribed the sounds of the mantras. [What is the meaning of the Dharani Mantra in the Lotus Sutra?] The Lotus Sutra tells us that the Five Good Gods promised to protect those who believe in the Lotus Sutra and recited the Dharani Mantra to Shakyamuni. In addition to the Lotus Sutra, Tripitaka Master Kumarajiva's translation of the sutras also includes the Heart Sutra and the Diamond Sutra. In the Buddhist worldview, protecting the law symbolizes not only the diligent efforts of the priests and preachers, but also the support and help of all the powers of the world, and teaches that the path to achieving all of these is brought about by dependent origination (cause and effect). [Regarding the different chanting style of Dharani mantras from the sound of the Chinese translation] The mantras for the Ten Female Rakshasas and Kishimojin in the Dharani chapter are chanted to imitate the sound of the mantras chanted by Kuonjoin Nisshin (founder of Kyoto Honpoji Temple), also known as the pot-wearing Nisshin, who was persecuted for spreading the Lotus Sutra, had a hot pot poured over his head and had his tongue cut out. Even after he was persecuted, he continued to chant the Lotus Sutra mantra and Dharani mantras and received strong protection. "Idebi, Idebin, Idebi, Adebi, Idebi, Debi, Debi, Debi, Debi, Roke, Roke, Roke, Roke, Take, Take, Take, Toke, the character for "small" + "Toke" He recited the part "Tokumushoubounin" as follows. "Ideba, Ideba, Idenbarabai, Dererevi, Dererevi, Dererevi, Tourourourai, Tourourai, Tokumushoubounin" It is said that he recited this as he was unable to speak after his tongue was cut. In the Aragyo-do, when many monks recite sutras together, Nisshin Shonin's recitation method seems to have been adopted for the reason that it is easier for them to recite the sutras together. [About the mokusho ritual implements used] The ritual implements that make the sound in this video are called "mokusho." Originally, they were called "mokuban" (wooden boards) and were made with holes drilled on both sides of a wooden board to make the sound resonate. They are still in use today. [About the rhythm of the sound] In the Nichiren and Hokke sects, mokusho are struck in a unique way to make different sounds when reciting sutras during prayers (oharai). The main way of beating the wooden stick in this video is the "chubyōshi" style. In addition to this, there is a style of beating that produces a constant sound without varying the volume, called "amadare," and a style called "honbyōshi," which produces only loud sounds by omitting the soft sounds of the chubyō. When reading sutras at a fast tempo, the wooden stick is struck with the chubyō or honbyō, but it is also practiced today during prayers and exorcisms to "prevent evil spirits from entering" and "to open the evil spirits," so reading sutras quickly is still passed down to this day. Reading sutras quickly is not the only way to read them; it is also important to read sutras slowly in accordance with the purpose of the memorial service, such as during memorial services, funerals, and memorial services. Reading sutras quickly is also something that cannot be done unless you have memorized them, and mainly in the wooden sword prayer, the monk who is praying becomes one with the principal image, the eternal Buddha, the fifth good deity, and Kishimojin, and prays, which is called "kannoudokyo." However, if you do not show faith, your wish will not come true, and memorizing sutras leads to diligence that shows that faith. [Prayers in the Nichiren and Hokke sects] In the Nichiren and Hokke sects, Kishimojin is the main deity when praying, but the focus is always on prayers to the Lotus Sutra and the eternal Buddha, Shakyamuni Buddha. In the Tathagata Life Span Chapter, since all of these fifth good deities are the merciful arrangements of the eternal Buddha, it is important that the prayer is a prayer to ask the eternal Buddha to lower his merciful hands. [About the exorcism of evil karma] Various anxieties and fears caused by evil karma become the darkness in our hearts. The Fifth Good God has chanted a mantra to protect us, so if we believe and chant it in our hearts, the darkness in our hearts will naturally be exorcised and we will be blessed with "peace of mind" (pronounced anjin in Buddhism). There is also a ritual called "darkness removal," which is used to calm the mind and calm the confusion caused by anxiety and fear, past trauma, and painful memories. [Points on chanting the Fifth Good God Dharani Mantra] ◉※The trick to chanting is to chant firmly in your mind (mind) in time with the tempo of the wood grain, even if you are not making a sound when breathing. In that case, it is a good idea to practice breathing in while moving your mouth as if you are actually chanting. ◉When chanting during an exorcism, it is a good idea to not look away from the thing you are exorcising. In reality, you cannot show an opening to look away. It can also be said that the sense of life-or-death tension is the same as when swordsmen fight each other. [The Five Good Gods - Dharani Mantra] Any, Mani, Marane, Mamane, Shire, Sharite, Shamya, Shabi, Tai, Emperor Sente, Emperor Mokute, Mokutabi, Shabi, Aishabi, Sobi, Shabi, Shae, Asaye, Agini, Emperor Sente, Shabi, Dharani, Arokyabasa Hashabishani, Nebite, Abenta, Ranebite, Atandahareshudai, Ukure, Mukure, Arare, Parare, Shugya, Asanmasabi, Buddhabikirijitte, Dharmaharishi, Sangha Nekushan, Bashabashashudai, Mantara [Man] Mantarashayata [Manshayata] Urouta Uroutakyoshirya Ashara Ashayataya Abaro Amanya Nataya [Medicine King Bodhisattva Divine Mantra] Za Rei Makazare Ukki Mokki Alei Arahate Nerete Nereta Nereta Alei Ichi Ni Ichini Shichini, Nerechini, Nerichhachi (Divine Mantra of the Bodhisattva Bravery) Ari, Nari, Tonari, Anaro, Nabi, Kunabi (Divine Mantra of the King of Bishamonten) Akane, Kyan, Kuri, Kendari, Chandari, Matogiri, Joguri, Broshani, Atsuchi (Divine Mantra of the King of the Country) "Ideba, Ideba, Idenbarabai, Dererebii Dererebi, Dererebi, Tourourourai, Tourourai, Tokumushoubonin"※1 ※1 Idebi, Idevin, Idebi, Adebi, Idebi, Debi, Debi, Debi, Debi, Roke, Roke, Roke, Roke, Take, Take, Take, Toke The character for "small" + Toke [Divine mantra of the Ten Female Rakshasas, Kishimo Deity and her children and attendants] Tokumushoubonin (Attaining Non-birth Dharma Ninja) ~~~ In addition to the above, there is also the Bhaisajyaguru Bodhisattva mantra, Sente, Mokute, Mokutabi, Shabi, Aishabi, Sobi, Shabi, Shae. Abbreviated as "Sesen Torai" (Aishabi = Nuku), Shabi, Sobi, Shabi, Shae. "Shukasa, Asanmasabi, Buddhabikirijitte, Darumaharishi, Emperor" There is also an abbreviated way of reciting this part when reading faster than this sutra, such as in the main rhythm. I will add it below. "Shukasa (Shugeshi), Asan (Asam...), Bodagi (Bodagi), Dharmaparasi (Denmarishi), Emperor (Te) #Exorcism #Nichiren sect #Exorcism #Dead spirits #Living spirits #Curse #Dispelling evil spirits #Prayer #Rituals #Kishimojin #Evil spirits #Vengeful spirits #Spiritual disturbances #Just looking at

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