@-tokaashour9297 To communicate: Facebook account: https://bit.ly/3g7iTgy Facebook page: https://bit.ly/2ADFLEg Insta: https://bit.ly/2WJSZrA Twitter: https://bit.ly/2AJM1KR Test link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FA... Basics of Medical Scientific Research - Explanation Epidemiology# Explanation Research_process# #Study_designs ( observatory descriptive,analytical - Interventional ) Longitudinal study design Cross sectional study design Cohort study design Case control study design clinical trial statics Explanation: Cohort prospective statics/analytics #Incidence_rate #Relative_risk #Attributable_risk case control statics/analytics #Odds_ratio #Reserach_proposal study design objectives #Research_problem #FINER_Formula