If the Bauknecht washing machine stops working, the fault is probably on the circuit board. This video shows how the circuit board can be repaired. Yesterday everything was fine and today it suddenly appears: The Bauknecht washing machine no longer starts! One possible source of error here is the circuit board, especially with three small components that can burn out. Actually something that can be repaired. But when the electronics are damaged and the thought that soldering is necessary here, most people quickly give up. But when you have the prospect of spending a lot of money on service or even a new device, you should think again. Because the repair is actually not that difficult, as we show in our video instructions! We accompany you on your search for the faulty components, demonstrate how to desolder them and help you install the replacement parts. And at the end you will be proud to have got your Bauknecht washing machine working again! Required spare parts: L1373, L1782 and L1790 - https://schraub-doc.de/sd000010-repar... L2158 and L2524 - https://schraub-doc.de/sd000020-repar... L1799 and L2262 - https://schraub-doc.de/sd000030-repar... Products used: Gedore screwdriver: https://amzn.to/2XIDX3R The step-by-step instructions will also be available soon on diybook. The instructions for the washing machine that no longer starts can be found here: https://diybook.at/video/bauknecht-wa... If something else is broken on your Bauknecht washing machine, you can find other instructions here: • Repairing a Bauknecht washing machine Did you like the video? Then subscribe to us: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... Other channels from diybook Websites - https://diybook.de, https://diybook.at, https://diybook.ch facebook - / diybook Instagram - diybook.at diybook - The portal for DIYers and professionals! On diybook, both budding DIYers, as well as real DIYers and even professionals, can find instructions, guides, tips and tricks for building and renovating in the house and garden. diybook - Let's get it done! #Washing machine #Soldering #Washing machine repair