https://www.ersatzteilshop.de/waschma... you can find the door seals for washing machines here... In this video we explain how to replace the door seal on your washing machine. We show you how to remove the door seal, thread the new seal and insert the tension rings. After watching this video you will know how to replace the door seal on your washing machine! In our channel we show you all the useful repairs for your washing machine, we point out possible problems and thus give you help for self-help. Many defects in your household appliances can be repaired with minimal effort. You should by no means be lighthearted about the idea of buying a new one. In our channel we offer you the best options for making a decision. Throwing things away is a thing of the past! You can find all door seals or door seals for your washing machine here: https://www.ersatzteilshop.de/waschma... If you don't feel confident about the repair or your washing machine can no longer be saved, then take a look here https://www.allego.de/waschmaschinen/ So then folks! GET TO WORK!