"Disaster Prevention Anime Momotaro" is an anime that teaches in an easy-to-understand way how parents and other adults should interact with their children during a disaster and how they can evacuate together. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ・Planning and organization: Japan Volunteer Network for Disaster Relief (NVNAD) website (http://www.nvnad.or.jp/) ・Original idea: Yoneyama Kiyomi (Director of Japan Volunteer Network for Disaster Relief) ・Animation production company: nagie Inc. website (https://nagies.co.jp/) ・Those who donated (in order of donation receipt date, titles omitted) Ota Hiroshi, Ibaraki Hiromi, Kakemizu Sumie, NPO Faithful Friend Society Atsumi Hisae, Higaki Tatsuki, Tanaka Toshiaki, KAGOME CO., LTD., Suigo Escort, Kiriyama Hirofumi, Hagino Shigeki, Kawamura Shinji, Kenwa Sangyo Co., Ltd., Storyteller KOBE1995, Tsukui Susumu, Yoshimoto Taeko, Yoneyama Kiyomi *The names of those who received crowdfunding gifts are listed here.