The plot unfolds in the early 90s. The main character's mother, despite the persuasion of family and friends, decides to give birth to a child and raise it without a father. The boy grows purposeful, fair and sensitive. In high school, Kostya falls in love with a classmate, but a competitor appears for him - the son of a local prosecutor, whom the girl's father considers the best match for her, their family in general, and business development. See what the prosecutor will do to prevent the love of Kostya and Oli, and whether they will be able to separate, see right now. The series was filmed with the support of the state. ________________________________________ SUBSCRIBE! Facebook: / kanaldom Instagram: / kanal_dim TikTok: / kanal.dim Website: https://kanaldim.tv/ #ТелеканалДИМ #КаналДИМ #Невистка #українськийсериал