Dario Fabbri and Giorgio Cuscito - How to shape communities, between pedagogy and demography, Limes Festival 2021 The human factor, alpha and omega of geopolitics. How nations are formed, between representations of the past and the future: a strategic task. The importance of demography in national pedagogy. The decisive fault line between historical and post-historical peoples. Ideas for a new Italian pedagogy. Dario Fabbri Giorgio Cuscito, Editorial Advisor of Limes, Analyst, scholar of Chinese geopolitics. He edits the «Imperial Bulletin» on China for limesonline.com. Collaborator of the Limes School Introduced and moderated by Federico Petroni, Editorial Advisor of Limes, scholar of Geopolitics at the Vita e Salute-San Raffaele University and president of Geopolis. Educational coordinator of the Limes School