In 2020, the new International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) considers pain a disease in itself, rather than a symptom of an illness or injury, thus opening up the possibility for the public health system to provide specialized medical services. Every year on October 17, World Pain Day is commemorated, to highlight the urgent need to find better relief for physical suffering from illness. In addition, pain treatment is a universal human right stipulated in the United Nations Charter of Human Rights since 2000. There is no way to quantify the pain that a person has; it is a complex perception that is different for each patient, even among those who appear to have identical injuries or illnesses. No test can measure the intensity of pain, no imaging device can show it, and no instruments can locate it; however, the World Health Organization, through the so-called “Pain Ladder,” indicates three levels of pain with different treatments for each one, with an additional level, which is the aggravated one. Various medical groups around the world are warning of the need to inform about the function of pain in the human body and how it is triggered? What is the difference between acute and chronic pain? And they are warning about the importance of going to a specialist to diagnose it and tell them what treatment options exist to alleviate it. Follow us on: / canaloncetv / canaloncetv / canaloncetv https://canalonce.mx/