✅ In this video, we tried to answer in the most detailed way the question of Vladimir Kokh, who sent us a very detailed and detailed comment under one of our videos. ✴️ In the video, we touched upon the issues of choosing a rod, marker sinker, float and other pressing topics that are very important for absolutely every carp angler! ❗️ In general, we want to thank subscribers for such questions. This always gives us new ideas for videos. So do not be shy and write your questions under our videos. We try to answer each of them, and for the most detailed questions, like from Vladimir, we will shoot video answers! ______________________________________________________ ⬇️⬇️⬇️ Useful links: ⬇️⬇️⬇️ 🚩 Marker equipment for carp fishing - https://clck.ru/Rjm3K 🚩 Making a marker map for beginners without a rangefinder - https://clck.ru/RcuoQ 🚩 Making a marker map using a rangefinder - https://clck.ru/RcuoQ 🚩 Shimano TX marker / spod rod - https://clck.ru/VDg6n 🚩 Sportex bait / marker rod - https://clck.ru/VDg8J 🚩 Other marker rods - https://clck.ru/ULE7s Carptoday steel marker ring - https://clck.ru/aeECc 👀 Everything for marking https://carpshop.ru/markerovanie/ 👀 Marker rods – https://carpshop.ru/udilischa/markernye/ #carptodayschool #carpfishing #carptoday ______________________________________________________ 💥 Portal about carp fishing – https://carptoday.ru 🎣 Carp tackle store – https://carpshop.ru 🙂 Expert consultations +7 (499) 653-93-55 💬 Chat for questions and consultations – https://t.me/carpshopmebot 🔹 Instagram – / carptoday 🔹 Telegram channel – https://t.me/carptoday 🔹 Vkontakte – https://vk.com/carptoday 🔹 Facebook – / carptoday 🎥 Montages and equipment – https://clck.ru/RjiNF 🎥 Movies – https://clck.ru/RjiQ3 🎥 Carp fishing school – https://clck.ru/RjiRx