Ketchup is delicious & everyone likes it. But the store-bought version has 1/3 or more sugar. It can be done without and is even tastier. *** ▶︎ What is ZuckerFreiFit? Zero sugar, wheat, sunflower oil, pork, white flour, cow's milk, ready-made pizza, croissants, cakes... Why? Because of rosacea (rosacea) I have to do without this and much more. Is that possible? And how! Even delicious, exciting and interesting. Lose weight sustainably. Be fit. Healthy all around. I want to show you the way. ▶︎ You can also find us on: Instagram: / zuckerfreifit Our main job, wedding photography: https://hein-live.com ♥ We look forward to likes and comments ♥ ♥ Let's all experience great food together ♥ Best wishes, Hauke & Bine from ZuckerFreiFit