This is a video taken on May 9th, a continuation of the last grocery shopping. Thanks to Ga-in's help, who brings out the taste of food better than Heo-jun, we were able to finish our meal safely. Please look forward to the next dish. (No promises) . . . . . ????Music provided by BGM President ????Track : Chick is peepyak peepyak - • [Royalty Free Music] Chick is peepyak peepyak/Peep P... ????Track : Brunch II - • [Royalty Free Music] Brunch II (Comfortable/Dal... Personal email [email protected] Advertising inquiries [email protected] Instagram Yeranggarang-gainyerin Instagram Gain student-gainjersoze Instagram Yerin student-yeneex2 #Gain student #Bang Yerin student #Yeranggarang