And then Rosan was suddenly not on the boat for 2.5 weeks. Very strange to be alone after being together every day for more than a year. Although, alone... Rosan visits a lot of friends and family in the Netherlands, and Niels is having a great time with other sailors. Jobs for this week: Sanding, scraping and loosening the keel. But fortunately not on our own boat! By the way, there is still some work to be done on our own boat. We have a leak in the impeller housing and so we are going to replace the seal and the impeller. We will also give a little explanation about how the cooling of the engine works. Also images of Dutch polders and Curaçao salt pans. And all that in 1 video! You can follow us on: Instagram: @sy_strider Zeilen.nl: zeil.nl/author/niels-en-rosan/ #zeilen #curacao #volvopenta #overdeoceaan #onderhoud #wereldreis #vertrekkers