What is karma? What is the law of karma? Sukadev http://wiki.yoga-vidya.de/Sukadev talks about this and about topics such as: Agami Sanchita Prarabda: the 3 phases of karma The 5 sub-laws of karma The fivefold meaning of life Collective karma Guilt, injustice, suffering and atonement. Right and wrong decisions Law of karma: freedom or determinism? Karma Yoga: Overcoming the bonds of karma through selfless, non-attachment service. You can find further information on the topic at https://www.yoga-vidya.de/karma/ Karma. This lecture is also a summary of the second part of the book Karma and Reincarnation https://shop.yoga-vidya.de/de/buecher... https://www.yoga-vidya.de/seminare/?q... In addition, this is a lecture from the lecture series "Yoga Vidya Training - The Holistic Yoga Path" - http://wiki.yoga-vidya.de/YVS001