In our LIVE Broadcast with @mumkundergi; How do we feel when we say money? Why do we always use credit cards? Are savings that do not turn into production really savings? What are the gifts of being able to make an intention without saying "But I don't have money"? How do we feel and what is the first thing we do when faced with discounts, campaigns, last pieces, don't miss out, large installments? What is the feeling behind our bargaining? And more... ???? Addresses where you can reach me; Website: www.meltemreyhan.com Instagram: / mltmguner Facebook: / meltemreyhan19 Twitter: / meltemreyhan19 Clubhouse: meltemreyhan For your questions, you can send an e-mail to [email protected]. #MeltemReyhan, #MoneyNeSöylerBizNeAnlarız, #Money,