How does Khao Kaeng Tee Noi Pun Suk sell its dishes for only 39 baht? “Khao Kaeng Tee Noi Pun Suk” is a business of BNN Restaurant Group that expanded from the popular Suki Tee Noi Buffet restaurant, but how did they choose to open a Khao Kaeng restaurant? And how does Ms. Fern sell her rice with curry for only 39 baht per dish?… 00:00-00:37 Highlights 00:38-01:14 Business introduction 01:15-02:14 Shop design 02:15-04:45 Menu selection 04:46-05:17 How much does the food cost? 05:18-07:31 Why open a Khao Kaeng restaurant? 07:32-09:07 Ingredients selection 09:08-09:33 Food and taste reviews 09:34-11:30 Why choose to open only one branch? 11:31-12:28 How do you see the future? 12:29-13:33 If there are no suki restaurants, can you open a rice and curry restaurant? 13:34-14:40 Summary of business tips, Longtunman, invest in knowledge. Investing in knowledge has no risk. Investors should press "Subscribe" to Longtunman on all channels. Follow Longtunman at Website - https://www.longtunman.com Blockdit - https://www.blockdit.com/longtunman Facebook - / longtunman Twitter - / longtunman Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/longtunman/... Line - https://page.line.me/ayw2996y YouTube - / longtunman Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/4jz0qVn... Soundcloud - / longtunman Apple Podcasts - https://podcasts.apple.com/th/podcast Clubhouse - @longtunman #Longtunman #longtunman