There's enough cake and chocolates for all the war that happened in #ChocolateComPimentaNoVIVA! There was a pie in Danilo's face at the chocolate factory, with a generalized war. Jezebel being attacked when the employees revolted against her. Olga and Aninha serving cake to each other at their ruined wedding. And, of course, the iconic New Year's Eve with the CAKE FIGHT all over town! Which scene is your favorite? Tell me in the comments! WATCH ALL THE SOAP OPERAS, from the beginning, on VIVA Play: https://globosatplay.globo.com/viva/ From Monday to Saturday, a new video on the VIVA channel. Here you can find videos of Soap Operas, Music, Humor, Interviews and much more. Subscribe! Subscribe to VIVA's YouTube Channel: http://ow.ly/Uu48D Access VIVA Play: http://ow.ly/Uu4bt Follow VIVA's Facebook: http://ow.ly/UtqzU Follow VIVA's Instagram: Follow VIVA's Twitter: http://ow.ly/UtqDd Follow VIVA's Pinterest: http://ow.ly/UtqKA #VIVA #GuerraDeBolo