An ignition coil is an electromagnetic component used in the ignition systems of internal combustion engines such as those in automobiles. Its main function is to convert low-voltage battery current into a high-voltage current required to generate a spark in the spark plugs. The ignition coil consists of several main parts. At its core is a primary winding composed of heavy-gauge copper wire. This winding is connected to the vehicle's electrical system and receives current from the battery when the engine is started. When current is applied to the primary winding, a magnetic field is created around the coil. This magnetic field is amplified by a soft iron or ferrite core located inside the coil. In addition to the primary winding, there is a secondary winding consisting of a finer-gauge copper wire. The secondary winding is wound around the primary winding and is electrically insulated from it. When the current in the primary winding is interrupted, either by a mechanical switch or an electronic circuit, the magnetic field around the coil rapidly collapses. This induces a high voltage electric current in the secondary winding due to Faraday's law. The turns ratio between the primary and secondary winding amplifies the voltage, allowing a high-energy spark to be generated at the spark plugs. The ignition coil is an essential component for the proper functioning of an internal combustion vehicle's ignition system, providing the spark necessary to ignite the air-fuel mixture in the combustion chambers. @jfavignano @GenerationOldschoolEspanol @cazadoresdeclasicos @discovery @carwow @carwowEspanol @carwowesp @cochesnet @euronewses @Ventaneando @alfredolarin @kilometroX @AutotopiaLA @amigosdelmotorcuba @MecanicaAutomotrizchane #classic #car #garage #hotrod #classiccar #cocheclasico #custom #ratrod #garaje #taller @TutorialesNecesarios