Jezebel is not at all pleased with the success of Aninha's chocolates. She goes to the farm and offers the biggest amount of money for Margarido and Timóteo to return to the factory 😓 Chapter 185, November 20, 2020, Friday. WATCH ALL THE SOAP OPERAS, from the beginning, on VIVA Play: https://globosatplay.globo.com/viva/ From Monday to Saturday, a new video on the VIVA channel. Here you will find videos of Soap Operas, Music, Humor, Interviews and much more. Subscribe! Subscribe to VIVA's YouTube Channel: http://ow.ly/Uu48D Access VIVA Play: http://ow.ly/Uu4bt Follow VIVA's Facebook Channel: http://ow.ly/UtqzU Follow VIVA's Instagram Channel: Follow VIVA's Twitter Channel: http://ow.ly/UtqDd #VIVA #ChocolateComPimentaNoVIVA #MelhorDoDia