The Ministry of Defense has shown what the Russian army servicemen participating in a special operation in Ukraine eat. Military cooks prepare food for more than 500 servicemen daily using KP-130 field kitchens. The lunch menu for Russian servicemen on the front line: soup made from canned vegetables, buckwheat porridge, apple compote, as well as gingerbread, waffles, and bread with butter. The cooks of the food service on the front line also bake bread to give to residents of Mariupol who need essential products. ⚡️ Breaking news and all the most important things about Crimea and Sevastopol - in our Telegram channel https://t.me/+O-erccSSMwtM_r2L ✔️ Kryminform in VK https://vk.com/crimeainform ✔️ Kryminform in OK https://ok.ru/crimeainform ✔️ Kryminform in Twitter / crimeainform