There was a marginal village in Tokyo's 23 wards...?! Introducing the current dire situation of an aging population! Higashi-Kojiya 6-chome, Ota Ward, Akabane Kirigaoka Danchi, Takashimadaira Danchi, Kasumigaoka Apartment Nishihokima Danchi, Toei Toyama Heights Apartment, Shinjuku Ward, Okura District, Setagaya Ward Nishidai Apartment, Kita Ward Oji Honmachi [Warning] The characters in this video are derivative works of the Touhou Project. *If I have given any incorrect information, please let me know in the comments. [PR Post] JR Set Plan A great plan that includes JR and accommodation at a hotel or inn! Great value with a special discount rate! Suitable for everything from one-day business trips to family trips! https://px.a8.net/svt/ejp?a8mat=3TLJX... Subscribe to the channel here / @Yukkuri Tours Images, Irasutoya, Photo AC, Illustration AC, Silhouette AC