COMPLETE COURSES: Chinese Overlock (Green) https://hotm.art/OverloqueChinesinha Singer Facilita (Old) https://hotm.art/SingerFacilitaAntiga Singer Facilita 2 (All Plastic Machine) https://hotm.art/CursoSingerFacilita2 This video is for you who have an old Singer machine, the little black one, and the thread is getting tangled under the fabric. In this video I will show you the two main reasons why this is happening and teach you how to solve this problem once and for all. Want to learn a little more? Then watch the video until the end and check out all the tips before calling a technician to adjust your machine. And don't forget to leave your LIKE, subscribe to the channel and activate the bell! And don't forget to leave your LIKE, subscribe to the channel and activate the bell! ⚙️ FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM TOO: /conservakca