Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Movie Children's Cartoon Indonesian Stories Children's Stories ❤️❤️❤️ Subscribe: https://goo.gl/b6tLrV ❤️❤️❤️ © 2019 Adisebaba Animation all rights reserved Summary: Once upon a time, there lived a kind Queen in a snow-white palace, surrounded by a magical forest. As she gazed at the falling snowflakes in the middle of the frozen winter, the Queen daydreamed. The sound of children playing in the snow was heard outside the palace. Time passed, and the kind Queen's dream came true. Nine months later, what had long been desired came true. The King and Queen had the most beautiful baby girl in the world, and they named her Snow White #StoriesForKids #TheThreeLittlePigTheWolfandSevenLittleGoatsFairyTale Collection #KidsCartoonCollection 👗**Princess Stories**👗 🚩 Cinderella: • CINDERELLA (New) Kids Cartoon Stories... 🚩 Rapunzel: • Rapunzel - Kids Cartoon Stories Fairy Tales... 🚩 The Twelve Dancing Princesses: • The Twelve Dancing Princesses - Kids Cartoons ...