Caps and t-shirts: https://bit.ly/48GZ5vi It's a classic car store, a private collection of classic cars, a classic car enthusiast, seriously, we leave Padilha's a little confused, imagine who goes to look for or buy a classic car there, the guy must leave crazy too. Share this video: • ONE OF THE SMARTEST COLLECTIONS ... Subscribe: https://bit.ly/38LxZr4 Follow our sponsors on Instagram: Brunelli Veiculos Antigos @brunelliveiculosantigos Classic Car Brasil @classiccarbrasil Desenrola Docs @desenrola_docs (tel: 11 99361 0602) Jeanrie Baretta @jeanriebaretta Nicola V8 @nicolav8auriemma Sonho Em Quatro Rodas @sonhoemquatrorodas Z28 Garage @z28garage