In 2023, the capacity of bio-methanizers connected to the network has decreased compared to 2022. What are the reasons for this slowdown? Is this a worrying sign for an industry that aims to produce 50 TWh per year by 2030? What are the main challenges to overcome to achieve the future objectives of the renewable gas sector in France? What type of stable framework is needed to promote the development of methanization and other renewable gas production technologies? What is the potential of renewable gas production technologies other than methanization, such as pyrogasification? Moderator: Aude RICHARD, specialist journalist Speakers: Claude BOMPARD, Territorial Director GRDF Pyrénées-Orientales, GRDF Adeline CANAC, Association Agri Métha d'Oc Philippe POUECH, Head of the Regional Green Gas Center, AREC OCCITANIE Philippe VERVIER, Director, ACCEPTABLES AVENIRS