Historian and author Necip Hablemitoğlu lost his life at the age of 48 in an armed attack in front of his home in Ankara on December 18, 2002. Hablemitoğlu was one of the first names to voice the Fethullah Gülen organization within the state. Hablemitoğlu had drawn attention to the danger on the 32nd Day program on June 24, 1999. Other guests on the program were Nevval Sevindi, Etyen Mahçupyan, Fikri Sağlar, İsmail Nacar and Faik Bulut... ► To Browse 32nd Day Products on Our Shopier Page: https://www.shopier.com/32gun ► To Benefit from Privileges, Become a Member of the Channel: https://shorturl.at/tAPU4 ► To Subscribe to the 32nd Day Archive Channel: http://bitly.ws/e5Yi #32GÜN #fetö #darbe