Everything you need to know about batteries The secrets of lead-acid, AGM, Gel, Lithium-Ion batteries... The truth and the lies Who has never found themselves unable to start and forced to push their motorcycle to get it started? There is indeed a very small organ at the center of the motorcycle with its battery. The battery is the beating heart of the motorcycle, vital for starting the engine and powering all the electronic systems. Technological progress has greatly influenced the development of motorcycle batteries, with several types available on the market, each with its own specificities, advantages and maintenance constraints. We take stock of the developments in batteries, the best technologies, the batteries that withstand long discharges better, what damages a battery, their lifespan, what makes them last longer or what on the contrary kills them. Finally, we will talk about the voltage and tension used, but also the amperage. Finally, we will discuss what can cause a battery to explode or implode before finishing on the recycling rate of the different batteries? Follow us: http://www.lerepairedesmotards.com/ / lerepairedesmotards / lerepaire / lerepairedesmotards Podcast: https://anchor.fm/le-repaire-des-motards