Riverside dwellers grilling Matrinxã and tambaqui on the riverbank in the Amazon. The simple life of those who live in the interior of the Amazon, fishing and cooking regional, homemade, country and typical food. Fried, grilled, stewed, and soups, catching lots of fish, tucunaré and traíra, catfish, hake, pacu, pirarucu, piraíba, pirara, pirarucu, tucunaré, Jaú, tambaqui, piau. what is life like for riverside dwellers and bloggers from the Amazon living off artisanal fishing, real life in the Amazon with riverside dwellers fishing with harpoons, where to fish and travel to the Amazon documentary. Easter food ultra light fishing lambari fishing traíra fishing in the cold country fishing pial fishing fishing tucunaré monsters from the Amazon River wild animals farm animals #riverside dwellers #fishing #howtofish #sportfishing #fishingaraiz #Trairão #Amazon #igapó #community #jaguar #bamboopole #indians #fishingvideos #matrinxã Leave your like ???? and subscribe to the channel ???????? / giltrindadeamazonia Click here???? • EXCITING FISHING You will like this video: • Video #amazonriver #fishing #indians #ribeirinhos #amazonia #matrinxã #fishermanstory #fishing #india #wildanimals #stingray #amazon #indians #forest #animals @GilTrindadeAmazonia