Start learning math now! 👉 https://vectozavr.ru discord channel: / discord Download the assembled release: https://github.com/vectozavr/shooter/... Shooter Repository: https://github.com/vectozavr/shooter Engine Repository: https://github.com/vectozavr/3dzavr gitHub: https://github.com/vectozavr inst: / vectozavr I'm on vk: https://vk.com/vkvec telegram: https://t.me/vectozavr VK Group: https://vk.com/vectozavr Contents: today I'll tell you how I created my own 3D game engine from scratch and wrote an online shooter on it, what problems I encountered, how long it took and what happened in the end. Enjoy watching! Timestamps: 00:00 - Introduction 02:01 - Project Goals 02:37 - Engine Architecture 03:34 - 3D Graphics Basics 04:38 - Updating the Game World 06:03 - Colors and Lighting 06:42 - Importing .obj Files 07:11 - Camera and Clipping 09:58 - Animations 10:18 - Collision Handling and Detection 12:01 - Networking 12:48 - Game Map 13:09 - Player and Controls 16:01 - pow-pow! 18:37 - Sounds 19:13 - Maybe OpenGL After All? 20:09 - Multiplayer 21:31 - Funny Bugs 20:38 - Making a Normal Player Model 23:08 - Game Tests 28:51 - Future Plans