What flavors were there in Beyoğlu in the 19th century? Which of these have survived to the present day? Coşkun Aral embarks on a culinary journey on Beyoğlu Culture Road. He follows the traces of Beyoğlu's tastes that have survived on palates from the imperial period to the present in deep-rooted venues. Watch now on our habitat You Tube channel! #beyoğlucultureroad #beyoğlu #coşkunaral You can SUBSCRIBE and turn on notifications to access our regularly presented content: / @habitattv TO WATCH habitat TV: DON'T FORGET TO FOLLOW Tivibu 2nd and 100th channels! Web: http://habitattv.com.tr Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/habitattv_t... Twitter: / habitattv_tr Facebook: / habitat-tv-106130117937701 To continue wondering: • TALKING HISTORY BULGARIAN CHURCH