↓ Description and useful links by clicking here ↓ In this new video, we will see how to set the prices of our paintings when we decide to become professional. This is a vast question that covers several aspects, here are the different points discussed in the video: -How to choose the prices of your works? -Prices too high, prices too low, what are the risks? -How to present the prices of your paintings? -Should you leave your prices on your site or not? -How to make them evolve over the years? -Should I take into account the comments about them? *** The article on my blog: http://www.artiste-animalier.com/comm... *** ⭐Download my free guide to materials for starting dry pastel: http://www.artiste-animalier.com/mate... ⭐Download my free guide to materials for starting watercolor: http://www.artiste-animalier.com/mate... Follow me! /animal.artist/cindybarillet http://www.artiste-animalier.com ***