One of the most iconic, powerful and slightly chilling monsters from the epic Metal Slug arcade video game series developed by SNK Playmore for the Neo Geo is the Martian leader known as Rootmars or RootMars which is a colossal alien entity that functions as the supreme leader and ruler of all the people of Mars or Mars People since this is a very powerful being with exceptional telekinetic and telepathic abilities that transcend what is seen with traditional aliens or Martians who function as the main invaders or sources of infantry for the species such as the Mars People, Mars People Cabre and Mars People Elite. Likewise, this superior extraterrestrial entity is the one who controls the gigantic mother ship of the Martians known as Rugname which in the game Metal Slug X makes a brief appearance after the Martians betray the rebel army and General Donald Morden after the small ship Dai Manji crashes on Earth because the regular army soldiers shot it down after fighting with all their might. It is because of how gigantic and powerful it is, how terrifying it looks and the important role it plays in the story of Metal Slug in general and especially in the third game of the series, that Rootmars is considered one of the most epic and interesting monsters or final bosses in the arcade video game series. That is why in this video I will explain in detail the history and known origins of Rootmars in the Metal Slug game saga, then I will explain his physical appearance, what we know about his personality and behavior and explain his incredible abilities, known weaknesses and his unique characteristics, I will also talk a little about his evolution as a character that is revealed in the Metal Slug Attack and Metal Slug Defense games and later I will also explain the curious and incredible relationship he has with the people of Mars or the Martians since he sees and takes care of them in a brutal way, finally I will explain everything we know about this interesting, memorable, powerful and a little scary alien monster known as Rootmars or the boss of the Martians from the epic Metal Slug video game saga. Don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss any of my new videos! If you want to support the channel by becoming a member, here is the link: / @luisdewitt Ghost Story by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-... Artist: http://incompetech.co