Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror is a silent horror film from 1922 and soon the epic and brilliant remake of this film will be released by the talented director Robert Eggers who also brought us the movie The Witch, The Lighthouse and The Northman. This new adaptation stars Lily Rose Depp, Willem Defoe, Nicholas Houltt, Emma Corrin and Bill Skasgard. Count Orlok also known as Count Orlok is a powerful and grotesque vampire which in the mythology of this film has a demonic origin and much more sinister than most of the monstrous vampires that we have seen in popular culture and in the cinema, this is the reason why Count Orlok is the villain or main antagonist of Nosferatu and is a very dangerous and terrifying being who is a bringer of death that brings different plagues and diseases to all the communities that exist around where his castle is in Transylvania and the Carpathian Mountains, being a very fearsome and brutal creature with a vast mythology. That is why in this video I will explain in detail the history and origins of Count Orlok from Nosferatu and for that I will talk to you about the information that is revealed to us about the demonic origins of this being that are revealed to us in the vampire book and the additional material of the original film, then I will explain his story and I will give you a complete summary of his story in the original film, then I will explain his physical appearance, what we know about his personality and behavior and his incredible abilities and known weaknesses, finally I will explain everything we know about this interesting, memorable, terrifying, great and mysterious vampire monster known as Count Orlok or Nosferatu from the 1922 film, from the 1979 adaptation of Nosferatu The Vampyre and the soon to be epic remake by Ronert Eggers from 2024.