The Yetis also known as Sasquatchs or Wendigos are monstrous and terrifying creatures that appear in the memorable saga of arcade games or Metal Slug developed by Nazca Corporation and SNK Playmore. The Yetis function as secondary enemies in some of the games, specifically they appeared for the first time in the third game of the franchise or in Metal Slug 3, these beings also appear in the fourth game of the saga or in Metal Slug 4. The Yetis, Sasquatchs or Wendigos are very interesting and chilling creatures since they look like large and strong beings completely covered in thick white fur, in general they look like humanoid primates and are actually the representation of the mythical or legendary snowmen or Abominable Snowmen that appear in different stories and legends around the world. The Yetis function only as secondary enemies in the games and do not play a very important role in the story of the series although they appear for the first time in Russia when the regular army goes to investigate an extraterrestrial artifact that belongs to the mono-eyed aliens or monoeyes which are part of the Martian army and are responsible for creating the zombies that we see in this game, later the yetis appear in the fourth game of the saga under a distant and snowy mountain, inside a cave, it is here that the regular army fights against the yetis or sasquacths with the help of a bear. It is because of all the mystery that surrounds them, how powerful and grotesque they are and the interesting history and origins that they have, that the yetis, sasquatch or wendigos are considered some of the best monsters in the epic Metal Slug video game saga. That's why in this video I will explain in detail the history and origins of the Wendigos or Yetis from Metal Slug, then I will explain their physical appearance, their characteristics, what we know about their personality and behavior, their known abilities and weaknesses and I will also talk about some curiosities that exist about these monsters, later I will explain everything we know about these interesting, memorable, iconic and cool monstrous enemies known as Yetis, Sasquatchs or Wendigos from the epic Metal Slug video game saga by Nazca Corporation, SNK Playmore and the classic Neo Geo. Don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss any of my new videos! If you want to support the channel by becoming a member, here is the link: / @luisdewitt Ghost Story by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-... Artist: http://incompetech.co