In the expanded universe of Aliens and in the classic comics of this epic saga, we can see something very cool and interesting since in the classic Aliens Stronghold comics which are a direct sequel to the Aliens Harvest or Aliens Hive comics which are the comics where the first synthetic xenomorph called Norbert appears, who had as a pet a dog called Mac who was his only true friend and whom he loved and appreciated very much because he played with him on the space station where Doctor Mayakovsky created him. In the plot of the Aliens Stronghold comics we follow a scientist named Casper Nordling better known simply as Doctor Nordling who was a talented scientist who was very good at creating androids, he took up Dr. Mayakovsky's research on his alien or synthetic xenomorph, also known as the artificial xenomorph that was Norbert and so he decided to create his own improved version, this is how the interesting, complex and curious synthetic xenomorph called Jeri was born, also known as the Alien android Jeri named in honor of the 20th century comedian named Jerry Lewis, this new artificial xenomorph had the purpose of infiltrating the hive of xenomorphs present in the space station of the Grant Corporation or Grant Corporation and here he collected the alien royal jelly or the royal jelly of the xenomorphs along with the eggs of facehuggers or ovomorphs also known as ovomorphs that Dr. Nordling used in his research. In a rather unexpected and grotesque way, it is revealed to us that Dr. Casper Nordling mistreated his androids a lot and especially Jeri since he made him smoke cigars because he found it fascinating and very funny to see how a xenomorph or an alien carried out this act that only human beings can do. He also treated his other human androids badly and insulted them, mainly Dr. Casper Nordling began to sell alien eggs and royal jelly on the black market. Thus, the macabre and interesting story of Jeri the synthetic xenomorph or Jeri the synthetic xenomorph begins in the classic comics of Aliens Stronghold or Aliens the Fortress. That is why in this video I will explain in detail the history and origins of the Xenomorph Jeri or Jeri The Synthetic Xenomorph from those comics, then I will explain in detail the relationship that this artificial xenomorph had with its creator Dr. Nordling and with human beings. Finally, I'll explain everything we know about this interesting, memorable, complex and a little bit scary Synthetic Xenomorph known as Jeri or Jerry from the classic comics and epic Alien saga. Don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss any of my new videos! If you want to support the channel by becoming a member, here's the link: / @luisdewitt Music Courtesy of www.bensound.com