Sign up for my free course: https://fotografiadefinitiva.com.br/i... ================================================= If you use Nikon and are not happy with the sharpness in the photography it is delivering, the problem may be configuration, and in this video I will teach you how to configure your Nikon camera so that it presents maximum sharpness and maximum image quality right when clicking. These are easy settings to do via menu, and many times we leave aside because we do not know, and which can improve the sharpness and image quality that our Nikon presents. For this video, a Nikon D610 was used, however the Nikon menus follow a standard and you can use the same configuration in other Nikon camera models, such as in the entry-level lines like the D3200 and similar ones, or in the D7200 line and similar ones, or even in the Full Frame line. And for those of you who use Canon, there is also a video with the same procedure in the link below, because of course I wouldn't leave the Canon guys in the lurch. • How to Increase SHARPNESS and Quality... A big hug to everyone and see you later. =================================================