Pre-diabetes is a preliminary stage of diabetes and, therefore, many believe that it does not require much attention. However, this is a mistaken view, since, at this stage, approximately 50% of the cells in the pancreas have already been destroyed. Therefore, the lack of adequate treatment can lead not only to the total impairment of the organ, but also to the worsening of the typical secondary effects of diabetes, such as damage to the kidneys, eyes and nerves, in addition to a higher risk of heart attack and stroke. Interestingly, pre-diabetes can often be reversed only by changing your diet and introducing regular physical activity. ------------- Dra. Maithê P. Tomarchio Clinic Rua Maestro Cardim, 407, Conjunto 608 - Bela Vista - São Paulo - SP. Phones: (11) 3283-1333 / (11) 2495-6172 https://www.maithemedica.com.br/ Instagram: @maithe_medica