Recent scientific studies have shown the great efficiency of the ketogenic diet for the much desired weight loss. At the last European Congress on Obesity, held in September, it was shown that this diet burns the most fat of all those studied. One of the main characteristics of the ketogenic diet is the fact that it allows the consumption of only 40 grams of carbohydrates per day, which is equivalent to two small French-style loaves of bread. This restriction causes the body to produce ketone bodies, which are molecules that are hungry for fat. In this way, the body begins to use the fat already stored in the organism as the main source of energy, a process known as metabolic flexibility. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Maithê P. Tomarchio Clinic: Phones: (11) 3283-1333 / (11) 2495-6172 https://www.endoc.com.br Instagram: / maithe_endocrino @maithe_endocrino