In this sixth physics class, we will continue studying Kinematics. Kinematics is the part of physics that studies the 'movement' of bodies. A good understanding of kinematics will also be important for other topics in Mechanics for ENEM and other entrance exams. In this FREE FALL and VERTICAL LAUNCH class, the following topics will be covered: Free fall and vertical launch, Acceleration of gravity, Torricelli's equation. In the next class, we will begin studying VECTORS. I have organized some playlists for you to help you prepare for ENEM 2020 =) Biology Course for ENEM: • BIOLOGY FOR ENEM Complete BASIC MATHEMATICS Course: • Basic Mathematics (Complete Course) Playlist of Tips for MEDICINE: • MEDICINE - [ENEM 2020] ENEM Data Analysis Playlist: • ENEM ANALYSIS Happy studying! =)