Fatih Çıtlak with Sahur Vakti will be on the screens throughout the month of Ramadan on Kanal D. In the days when we will be experiencing the month of Ramadan, the abundance and importance of this very special month and ways to make the month of Ramadan beautiful will meet with the audience in "M. Fatih Çıtlak with Sahur Vakti." Questions from the audience will be answered in "M. Fatih Çıtlak with Sahur Vakti" every night on Kanal D... M. Fatih Çıtlak with Sahur Vakti is on Kanal D every night throughout the month of Ramadan! Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: ➤ https://www.youtube.com/user/kanald?s... Kanal D Live Broadcast: ➤ https://www.kanald.com.tr/canli-yayin Kanal D Broadcast Flow: ➤ https://www.kanald.com.tr/yayin-akisi #sahurvakti #fatihçıtlak