Dr. Physiotherapist Murat Dalkılınç answers the questions below in this video by combining scientific studies and his clinical experience of over 20 years. ►Does a herniated disc definitely cause back pain? ► Is a herniated disc dangerous? ► Can we say that a herniated disc = a herniated disc? ► Does a herniated disc go away on its own? ► How is a herniated disc pulled out on its own? ► Is movement good for a herniated disc? ► Is swimming beneficial for a herniated disc? ► Is surgery necessary for every herniated disc? There are many superstitions and rumors about herniated discs. These inevitably cause people to worry. The aim of this video is to guide people who are afraid to move in the light of scientific facts and whose lives are restricted because they think the cause of their back pain is a hernia. You will be able to solve problems by paying attention to issues that you may not have thought about at all and by looking at events from a broader perspective. As the Fizyodemi family, we wish you healthy days. To be informed about the videos uploaded to the channel: http://tiny.cc/csihqz