Do-it-yourself centrifugal regulator adjustment, on a stand at home. Without a stand or other device for visualizing angles; for example, a stroboscope, it is only possible to disable the centrifugal regulator. Adjustment, tuning of weight springs. Centrifugal regulator UAZ, ZMZ, GAZ Centrifugal ignition timing regulator UAZ, Volga, Gazelle. Adjustment of the distributor CROZ For questions about adjustment; My page in VK; https://vk.com/id60482248 WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber: +79601512765 Igor. Telegram channel: Repair and restoration of Moskvich units and assemblies, repair and adjustment of distributors on a stand. https://t.me/GarikGarag Yandex Zen: https://zen.yandex.ru/id/622d2258a228...