One Word Can Change: Let's Stop Bullying Together Because everyone has the right to feel safe, respected and accepted for who they are. Many Thanks To: Wahyudi ---- plays the role of the victim of bullying Asyraf Sayyidil Alam ------- plays the role of the bully Rames --------- plays the role of the bully Refaldi --------- plays the role of the bully Muhammad Ikhwan H. Yudha. B ------ plays the role of the bully Sarmila -------- plays the role of the mother of the victim of bullying Fais Abror, S. KM --------- plays the role of the resource person Nasriyah, M. Pd ----------- plays the role of the teacher of the UPTD PPA of Bontang City SMKN 3 Bontang City Saka Bakti Husada Bontang City Class XII HEAVY EQUIPMENT Creative Team Kotak Video