The storyline of MY DEMON tells the story of the feud between humans and demons that occurs in the modern world. It is said that there is a young woman who has the ability to see and interact with demons. The woman is named Do Do Hee, who one day must be involved in a conflict between humans and demons who are trying to destroy human life in the world. Watch the video carefully if you want to know the continuation of the story. We, the entire 4K STUDIO team, wish you a happy watching. Credit Title: Voice actor / Narrator: Om key Story writer 1: Om key Story writer 2: Opay Editor 1: Boat Editor 2: Yadin Social Media: Fanspage: Story Film Instagram: 4kstudio.official_ Tiktok: @official_4kstudio Snackvideo: 4K STUDIO_OFFICIAL #dramakorea #alurceritafilm #mydemon