The storyline of A Good Day to Be a Dog tells the story of Han Hae-na (Park Gyu-young), a single woman who works as a teacher. From the outside, she seems to have a life like most women. However, she actually holds a big secret. Hae-na bears a curse that has been passed down through generations because of an ancestral mistake. The curse has been passed down through generations to her and her older sister can turn into dogs from midnight until sunrise. The curse is active when Hae-na kisses someone else. That makes Hae-na always reluctant to kiss when dating. This condition often makes her get abandoned or leave her lover until she finally decides to be single. Hae-na can actually get rid of all that as long as the person who kissed her in human form, is willing to kiss her again when she is in dog form. Watch the video carefully if you want to know the continuation of the story. We, the entire 4K STUDIO team, wish you a happy watching. Credit Title: Voice actor / Narrator: Om key Story writer / scripting: Om Key Editor / Hacker: Boat & Yadin music: • My Heart - Acha Septriasa ft. Irwansy... Social Media: Fanspage: Story Film Instagram: 4kstudio.official_ Tiktok: @official_4kstudio Snackvideo: 4K STUDIO_OFFICIAL #rangkumfilm #alurceritafilm #agooddaytobeadog