The Descendant of the Sun storyline tells the story of a military leader named Yoo Si-Jin (Song Joong-Ki) who meets a doctor named Kang Mu-Yeon (Song Hye-Kyo). Their meeting took place when Yoo Si-Jin was on duty in the field with Team Alpha. But unfortunately after they met, their relationship could be said to be a little complicated. Watch the video carefully if you want to know the continuation of the story. We, the entire 4K STUDIO team, wish you a happy watching. Credit Title: Voice actor / Narrator: Om key Story writer 1: Om key Story writer 2: Opay Editor 1: Boat Editor 2: Yadin Social Media: Fanspage: Story Film Instagram: 4kstudio.official_ Tiktok: @official_4kstudio Snackvideo: 4K STUDIO_OFFICIAL #dramakorea #alurceritafilm #descendantsofthesun