The drama Under the Gun tells the story of a high school student who experiences a drastic change in life. At first, Ko Gun (Zuho) had a happy life, where his father loved him very much and his finances were stable. Then his younger brother was diagnosed with leukemia. His father also had an accident that made him unable to work anymore. Finally, Ko Gun became the backbone of the family. He has the ability to play Texas-style poker, namely Holdem, which is amazing. At his workplace, Ko Gun is often asked to play by customers. Watch the video carefully if you want to know the continuation of the story. We, the entire 4K STUDIO team, wish you a happy viewing. Credit Title: Voice actor / Narrator: Om key Story writer / scripting: Om Key Editor: Boat & Yadin Social Media: Fanspage: Story Film Instagram: 4kstudio.official_ Tiktok: @official_4kstudio Snackvideo: 4K STUDIO_OFFICIAL #rangkumfilm #alurceritafilm #dramakorea