The storyline of Welcome to Samdal-ri tells the story of Cho Yong Pil and Cho Sam Dal who live on Jeju Island. They seem destined to always be together since birth. Yong Pil and Sam Dal's mother were pregnant and gave birth at the same time. They are also neighbors with houses opposite each other. Not only that, the two of them really had a romantic relationship when they were teenagers. This is also not a secret among friends and local residents. Unfortunately, their love failed in the middle of the road. Yong Pil and Sam Dal decided to live their own lives. Watch the video carefully if you want to know the continuation of the story. We, the entire 4K STUDIO team, wish you a happy watching. Credit Title: Voice actor / Narrator: Om Key Story writer / scripting: Om Key Editor: Boat & Yadin Social Media: Fanspage: Story Film Instagram: 4kstudio.official_ Tiktok: @official_4kstudio Snackvideo: 4K STUDIO_OFFICIAL #filmsummary #filmstoryline #koreandrama