Do you feel like your well-being depends on someone else? Do you know that placing your expectations of well-being on someone or something else can cause conflict? #Well-being is the experience of #health, #happiness, and #prosperity in the person. It includes having good #MentalHealth, feeling satisfied with life, having a sense of meaning or purpose, and the ability to manage stress. In general, well-being is simply feeling good. This is not an end or a goal, it is a dynamic and progressive process. The World Health Organization points out that well-being is the state in which “a person can realize their own abilities and cope with factors that may disturb them.” Therefore, it is a comprehensive concept. Personal well-being is essential for ourselves because it makes us feel eager, happy, encouraged, and satisfied. It does not matter if something has happened that has emotionally destabilized us because we are going to know what to do to recover that personal well-being. This Wednesday in #DiálogosEnConfianza we will talk about the importance of seeking our own well-being and we will learn some strategies to do so. Follow us on: Facebook: / dialogosenconfianza Twitter: / dialogoscanal11 Instagram: / dialogos_confianza Once +: https://canalonce.mx/programas/dialog... Blog: https://dialogosenconfianza.info/