Calling someone “toxic” has become very popular. We easily use this label to refer to someone we consider to be negatively affecting us. Blaming others for what happens to us puts us in the role of victims, which is not sensible if we want to have healthy behavior. In 2010, psychologist Bernardo Stamateas published the book “Toxic People,” in which he gives some advice to stay as far away as possible from “problematic people” who damage our emotional health. The concept of “#toxic person” is not exempt from controversy, since its use negatively points out the way of being of some people, and even stigmatizes them. Today in #DiálogosSaberVivir let’s delve deeper into this topic. Follow us on: Facebook: / dialogosenconfianza Twitter: / dialogoscanal11 Instagram: / dialogos_confianza VOD: https://canalonce.mx/programas/dialog... Blog: https://dialogosenconfianza.info/